

Help! I masturbate with my fingers, but I do it over clothing... i just rub around the clitoris and it feels really good after several minutes. I try to have an orgasm but it doesn’t come naturally. I don’t know how to actually masturbate on my bare vagina- any tips? I did try masturbating inside once, but it was quite dry and it wasn’t as effective as it was over a material. Shall I use a type of liquid? Or lube... I doubt I can get hold of it though😟 Also, at school, how comes everyone is fine with masturbation when it comes to a boy, but with a girl it’s so ‘disgusting’. I have to play along like I’ve never done it before, because I’m too anxious of what people are going to say. I really want to try toys but how can I purchase one without friends or family finding out?