Bleeding too much?

Jasmine • 02.14.18💚👦🏽 02.16.21💗🤱🏽

Is anyone else taking the Errin birth control mini pill because they are breast feeding? Not because of irregular periods, etc. just because you’re breastfeeding. I started the pill two weeks ago come this Wednesday. I started bleeding a week ago but not during my menstrual cycle because I had a “period” about a week prior, and it was heavy for 3-5 days and has been lighter. But for the past two days, it’ll seem to stop early in the day, and then pick up again towards the end of the day but still stay on the lighter side. This is so annoying for someone who would like to be having sex rn but I don’t want to always bother my boyfriend if I know I’m bleeding and feel kind of icky doing so. How long did you have irregular bleeding for and when did it stop? Please comment any input/advice/recommendations/experiences. Thanks 🙄