She's finally here!!! (late post)

Kimberly • Mommy of 2 angel babies 👼👼 and my rainbow baby girl

This is ok rainbow baby!! I had a scheduled c-section at 36 weeks due to gestational diabetes and my past 2 loses. She came out and we heard her first cry and we just lost it. They took her over to clean her up and called my husband over to see her and she stopped crying and turned purple and stopped breathing. She had swallowed some fluid and it was in her lungs. I was uncontrollably crying bc I was thinking to myself "God please not again!!!" Then I heard her cry again. She had to be rushed to the NICU and put on a cpap. Luckily our beautiful baby girl was breathing on her own by that night and a couple days later she was in our arms. This is our baby girl Layla Jaylene Tilley, born March 21st 6lbs. 12ozs. and 20 inches long!!!!