41+2 weeks - induction day?!


So today I am 41+2 weeks (was due 1st April) and am booked to go into the hospital tonight to be assessed for an induction. If I have progressed more since my last midwives appointment on Friday (when I was 1cm dilated, station 3/5, soft and about 50% effaced, Bishop score=5) then I will be able to go home and come back in the morning to have my waters broken. If nothings changed then I will be staying overnight and they will start the gel or balloon. I have done everything possible to start labour naturally, including a stretch and sweep at Friday’s appointment, after today 3 lots of acupuncture induction, sex, breast pump, walking, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on the fitball, eating curry...apart from Braxton Hicks for the past 5 weeks I’ve had no signs of labour, this baby is so damn stubborn I sure hope its not a sign of how labour and delivery will go! 🤞