Nexplinon gone wrong??

I got my nexplinon replaced today at around 4:00 pm and when my Docter inserted the new birth control I felt a sharp pain, my hand started to feel a bit numb, and with in 30 mins my whole arm was numb, mostly from my elbow to my pinkie. I could still feel my thumb and first finger fine. I called the after hours nurses and they said I ”might want to go to the ER” O.o

well at 9:00 pm (30mins ago) I unwrapped the bandage and i started to be able to feel my hand again, maybe it was just too tight?? well I can feel my hand now and but my arm is still numb.

has anyone else had numbness issues with nexplinon? Any experiences or advise would be great!

If my arm is still numb tomorrow I'm going to head to my main Docter.

update: the numbing went away and I'm keeping my eye out for any re occurrence, thank you for your advise!