Antidepressants/Anti-anxiety medication for teens? Help? Recommendations? (PLEASE READ)

emma • musician & mua

I’m 16 years old. Ever since I was little (elementary school) I would “worry” about things EVERY SINGLE NIGHT to the point that I would be sick and not sleep. I would have severe panic attacks and pass out from hyperventilating. I have always had sleeping issues. Looking back, that was clearly an early form of anxiety. When I started middle school, things got so much worse. My “BFF” turned dark and left me in the dirt. I felt alone and unwanted. Ever since then, everything has gotten worse. I’m now a sophomore in highschool that makes straight A’s and has a 4.2 GPA because my brain will absolutely not let me rest until everything is done and I have nothing to stress about. A few weeks ago, I was out of school for an entire week because even though I have had panic attacks all my life, this was the worst. I had finally hit that “wall” because of all the work my Honors/AP classes were assigning and pretty much had a mental breakdown. I would wake up in the middle of the night having nocturnal panic attacks, not being able to breathe, feeling in danger and like I was choking. It hasn’t gotten much better. Depression, anxiety, and insomnia are all very prominent in my family history. My mom has the three severely so my genes were definitely blessed. In June of last year, my depression got so bad that I tried to commit suicide. I’m sick of this.

In about a week or two, I’m finally going to the doctor to try and get medicine to help these problems of mine. (Depression, anxiety, insomnia). I still go to a “children’s clinic” but they do prescribe medication like this if it’s needed. Does anybody have any recommendations for medicines to mention or ask about? I’m in the US, and I prefer the medicine to be both FDA approved and approved for people my age. I’m so tired of feeling like this. Please suggestions/help? 😕