Accepting my deep voice



So I post a bit in here (at least compared to other places that I post)

As I am really growing to accept who I am as a woman/as a person as a whole.

I always have been SUPER self conscious of my voice since the war with puberty.

When I was pre puberty, my voice was ABNORMALLY high. All the other girls my age had lower pitched voices. I sounded like a mouse, really squeaky and cartoonish.

I got my period at age 10. And that’s when I noticed my voice cracking. Which was weird cuz not only did the other girls in my class not get their periods yet, nor did we have “the talk” in class yet, but even after everyone else got their periods shortly after me, their voices never cracked as bad as mine did. I felt more like one of the boys 😂

I really tried to hide it and keep my squeaky voice. Fought Mother Nature so hard. But Mother Nature played dirty and got strep throat on her side. Went to the doctor and had to get amoxicillin. I lost my voice as I always do with strep.

Took my antibiotics. A week is later, the strep went away. Aaaand my voice never came back.

And now I have this really really deep voice. I’ve tried to force myself to sing the soprano parts in songs, or forced myself to talk higher because I had hated my new voice.

But, I’m starting to kinda like it.

This is time to say goodbye (originally con te partiro)

No I didn’t sing Sarah Brightman’s part.

I sang Andrea Bocelli’s

It feels weird because as a woman, like. Idk. I used to get a lot of comments like “you sound like a man” and really rude things like “are you sure you don’t have a penis?”

Yeah I’m sure :|

My mom has been supportive though. At first when I showed her this she was like ?!?! That’s your voice?!! I thought that was a man!!!

And it hurt

But then she realized it and yeah. Told me I shouldn’t be ashamed, I should be proud.

Struggling with the proud aspect, but at least I’m not as ashamed as I was. It kinda is more of a “it is what it is” mentality.

But yeah. for my fellow women with deep voices and girls who are struggling to find acceptance or are bullied for their “man voices”

Y’all the real mvps. I aspire be as strong as you all, and I want to tell you all to don’t be ashamed. Because it is what it is. It isn’t something you had any say in, you didn’t choose your voice. It isn’t anything you could have controlled. And it’s not anything bad either. It may be different, but it’s not bad. 😊

I’m tired so I’m like, dozing off so I’m having a hard time coming up with the right words but.

Yeah. Don’t give up. Keep going.