
Had a miscarriage in December .... we found out at our nine week ultrasound when the baby measured 8 weeks 4 days.i was devastated and depressed and had to have a D&C.; Two months later I got another positive test. At first I was excited ... I had my HCG levels tested right away this time and they were doubling as they should. Progesterone was a little low so I take supplements. We saw the HB at 6 w 4 d and it was a strong HB at 135bpm. Next ultrasound is this Friday.... I’ll be the same as I was supposed to be last time. I just feel really nervous scared and depressed. I pray every day for everything to be ok. I don’t feel anything - no pregnancy symptoms, and I had none before either when we had the MMC. Pregnancy is supposed to be such a joyous time too. My husband is not even nervous at all which I don’t get. He has a golf trip planned next week which he planned for a long time and I just keep thinking the worst like is he gonna be able to go if this doesn’t go well Friday. I can’t get the negative thoughts out of my head and he keeps telling me to repeat about him- “I am pregnant and everything is going to be fine.”I wish I felt some symptoms. I’m so scared and afraid for Friday. I just really hope and pray the fact that we already saw HB at 6 w is a good sign I’m in the clear but I don’t know... as with the last one i prob would have seen HB too if I had an U/S at 6 weeks.