My Induction Story


Throughout my pregnancy I had high blood pressure. I don’t normally have high BP so the spike was making me feel very sick/dizzy. My due date was February 24,2018. By December I had already been sent to the hospital twice for blood work and monitoring and was placed on bedrest at the beginning is January. Although bedrest helped my BP would not regulate. My dr and I decided that we would like to make it to 37 weeks if possible before inducing. We knew the baby was measuring ahead but didn’t want to take any chances with under developed lungs. I received the cortisone injections around 35 weeks and scheduled an induction for February 7, 2018.

Because I was going for twice weekly appts with an ultrasound and NST I went in Feb. 6 for my regular ultrasound. It did not go as planned as the baby was completely still and not doing any “practice breathing”. Toward the end he did start flinching a bit but still have a strong heartbeat. I was checked and basically not dilated at all with almost no thinning so I was sent to the hospital that night to start on cervadil.

Cervadil SUCKED. I had HORRIBLE back labor all. Night. Long. It was the most uncomfortable thing ever. That morning around 5:30 they took it out, checked me and I was at a 1. COOL. 😒. Pitocin started at 6:30.

Not long after starting I the babies heart rate was dropping with every contraction. I was placed on oxygen, pitocin was turned off, things started looking up. I had my water broken pitocin started back about an hour later and the heart rate dropped again. Back on oxygen (see the pattern). After the third time of this happening my room was flooded with people and not surprisingly we decided a csection was the safest route as the baby was clearly in distress. At 1:44pm on Feb. 7 Easton Alexander was born weighing 7lbs 11oz 19.5 inches long. The cord wrapped around his neck several times.

Time is a complete blur but eventually I got to hold him and noticed he was freezing. I was told he needed to be covered and held for skin to skin but I noticed his nails were turning blue and insisted someone come check it out. After several tests he was admitted to the NICU because he was unable to regulate his body temp and had very low glucose levels that he could not maintain. He was there for 5 days and has been a healthy little guy ever since!

I wish my birth story ended there. A week after leaving my incision started to leak so I went to the dr and was given antibiotics. This did nothing. About 2 weeks PP I noticed holes opening up along my incision. I went in and the nurses had no idea but said i was taking longer to heal. This became incredibly painful and the homes got deeper. Finally saw my dr and it was determined that I was having an allergic reaction to the stitches. Rather than dissolving, my body couldn’t process them and opened my incision to push them out that way. They eventually all popped out but am now 8 weeks PP and am just not seeing a closed incision and feeling relatively normal!

I wanted to share my experience, failed induction and all :). Best of luck ladies!!

Here are some pics of baby Easton. He’s now 2 months old weighing a heathy 10 pounds and 22.5 inches long!