I miss sleeping 😴


I have a son who is a Little over 3-1/2 months old. He was a good sleeper for the first month then he got a cold and it lasted for almost 3 weeks so he started sleeping on my chest because he was so congested I was so scared he couldn’t breathe, anyway sense then he was waking every 2 hrs to eat day and night. at about 3 months he started doing one 4 hr stretch at night so he goes down at 8 pm (he won’t stay awake any longer) then wakes about 11:30-12:30 sometime in that hr. Then again sometime between 2:30-3:30 then again between 4:30-5:30 then up for the day between 6:45-8:00 but he’ll wake up in between those times sometimes too. I seriously think I’ve tried everything but letting him cry it out. He drinks 4-5 oz of formula or breast milk every 2 hrs during the day. He sleeps in his crib for naps in the day and in there during the night too. At night he’ll drink anywhere from 1-4 oz he always dream feeds but screams if you don’t feed him the second he wakes up and then up feed him and he acts like he’s never eaten before. He’s definitely eating enough during the day (around 30 oz) We do a night time routine, I’ve tried bathing him every night it doesn’t help , I use essential oils , I let him put him self to sleep during the day, I keep his room warm but not to hot or cold, I’ve tried 8 million sleep sacks , I’ve tried just putting his binkie in his mouth, tried letting him sleep with me. Idk what to do but I miss sleeping so much I’m so tired during the day and I’m not my best during the day. I go to bed at 9 and my husband does the middle of the night feeding. Don’t get me wrong it helps but I’m still so dang tired. Idk what to do to just get him to figure out that he’s able to sleep all night long 😩