Antibiotics affecting my birth control?

I am on birth control, Junel Fe combination pills and have been for 10 months now. I am sexually active however on top of the pill me and my boyfriend use a condom, sometimes even with a condom on he will pull out before he cums just for extra precautions. We are not trying for a baby right now at all. However the last time we had sex in March, I was on antibiotics so we were very careful and then the week after I started my placebo week but only got a period for a day which has never happened to me! I was getting anxious so a week or so after my placebo week ended I took a pregnancy test which came back negative. The reason I’m concerned is because I am on my 2nd week of active pills right now (new pack) and I am having bleeding as well as some clots. I was put on more antibiotics, amoxicillin this time, the week after my placebo week ended since my sinus infection didn’t clear up with the other antibiotics. Could I be bleeding/having clotting due to the amoxicillin and birth control interaction or am I pregnant possibly? Any advice would really help thank you!