My three hour labor!! 😳


This is my second baby and all I did my whole pregnancy was read these stories! I’m so happy I’m finally able to write mine!!!!

So my whole pregnancy we tried as hard as we could to keep this little girl in as long as possible. I had my son 6 weeks early and resulted in a week NICU stay. So we were really hoping we would go over this time around!

My due date was March 12 so as soon as that passed I was extremely happy! We finally made it! But I was still upset the end of the pregnancy was coming near! So we set my induction date for Monday March 19th! I really didn’t want to be induced but i was just happy we didn’t have another early baby!

On March 18th at 2 am I woke up because my 1 year old son was crying in his bed for me so go and grab him (he wakes up at least twice)! I walked in his room. Picked him up and I felt a light contraction. It was really no big deal and definitely not out of the ordinary since I had been having contractions regularly since 22 weeks! I had to pee so bad so I went to the bathroom. I swear as soon as I started to go the bathroom the contraction immediately intensified! So I finished and went back in bed with my husband and my son. 10 mins later I had another extremely bad one. I thought to myself that hopefully I’d start dilating soon. (My last appointment I was only at a 1). Then 10 mins after that I had another really bad one. I decided to start timing them. Then another 10 mins later I had another extremely bad one. And when I mean bad like it was bad! I woke my husband up and told him about them being very painful and maybe tomorrow would be the day! He went to roll over and they started coming again so he asked if I wanted a shower ran. No thanks!!! Lol we needed to start heading out of the house like now!!! They were on top of each other out of no where!! So we jumped up and started packing my sons over night bag for my mom. I seriously couldn’t even move the contractions were so bad! We finally got out of the house at 3am. We got to the hospital at 3:15 am and my mom was there! Thank goodness! My dad parked our car for us and they waited to see if it was the real deal or not. We got in the room and hooked up to the machines and as soon as she hooked me up I had one more contraction and they STOPPED!!!! Omg i was so mad! The nurse checked me and told me I was at a 4 but since I wasn’t having anymore contractions and I was progressing they going to send me home but we’re going to keep me for an hour just to make sure! At this point I was so mad I just wanted to go home and go to bed. So about 30 mins later I got up to pee because she was wanting to check me to get me ready to go home (I kept bugging them to let me go). As soon as I started going to the bathroom they hit me again! On top of each other so intense! So i got back into the bed in so much pain! I was begging the nurse to give me something!!! But she wouldn’t! I wasn’t progressing which means I wasn’t admitted! I was so irritated I was ready to go home. My husband texted my mom to let her know we were ready to be heading back house soon. The nurse checked me one more time before sending me out the door! In 10 mins I went from a 4 to a 7! The nurse freaked out and called for the doctor to head to the hospital. It was maybe around 4:40 am by this point. My mom rushed back down to the hospital. By 5:10 am I was ready to push and was so mad because the epidural STILL was not given to me! I told the nurse I wasn’t going to push until it was given to me. She made sure to let me know I had to do this without one and I needed to get her out! Her heart rate was not fluctuating very well with the contractions. The doctor walked in and at 5:23 am Abigail Joann was born! Weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce and 18.5 inches long! She was beyond perfect! I had no idea I would have been able to deliver without any pain medications.

For any mammas out there worried about delivery! You’ll be able to do it!!! Your mind gets you through the things you never thought you could do!