"period" starting and stopping


A little back story, I typically have 30 day cycles. last cycle was a 39 days but had a normal for me period, lasts 5-6 days with steady flow, cramps on days 1&2.

This cycle was exactly 30 days. I started what I think/thought was my period on Saturday. Fairly normal bleeding but light, under 7.5ml in 12 hours. Sunday I had some flow but it tapered off as the day went on. Monday had no flow. I've NEVER had a 2 day cycle. Then today I bled for a few hours for it to stop again, enough to be in my underwear and when I wiped. No flow since I got home. No blood when I insert and feel my cervix.

I did have similar bleeds with my first pregnancy (she just turned 11). I didn't bleed at all with my other two.

I'm trying to hold out to test until Friday but I don't think this is a period at all. I seem to only bleed for a couple of hours and that's even sporadic. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?