Rant !!!

I need someone to talk to and I have no one else to turn to ...

So my boyfriend and I live together with our 7 month old son. We been dating for 3 years. Now before I start when I first met him, He was the sweetest thing ever now he’s an arrogant asshole. Before some of you say , oh you knew how he was before you got pregnant and such. I now believe when people say sometimes pregnancy or an child can change someone.


Let’s get into the background story 🙄

We both work , and I currently got laid off but I’m looking for a new job. He works Monday-Friday 7-6. So when he comes home I make it a PRIORITY that the house is cleaned and hot food is on the stove I’m always on time. Even when I worked I always got off at 4 and made sure the house was spotless and food was on the stove. 🙌🏾

Right now I’m super sick and I didn’t feel like cooking I told him to order pizza, he goes I’m broke so I got up and cooked for him. No thank you no helping didn’t even acknowledge the fact I’ve been feeling like shit for days now, I thought MAYBE today he will actually acknowledge me. But I learned to lie to myself because I say that everyday 🤦🏽‍♀️

Now I do this everyday while battling with our son. As of right now he ALWAYS wants to cuddle and it’s hard to get anything done with one hand 😥(Any tips on that ??) if I put him down it’s literally world war 3 he will scream even with his toys there. So for the past few weeks I’ve been doing everything taking out the trash, bringing it in, taking care of his dog , feeding her and such, I use the money I barely have to get stuff for our son, and plenty more. Even after he comes I’m still doing stuff. I don’t even get a thanks babe neither a kiss or nothing.

So before I came to you guys about advice I sat down and I TRIED to talk to him But, he says I complain to much and he basically just blows me off. For the last few weeks I’ve been so fed up with him. Every time he comes home it’s an stupid argument. I never call him out his name but he calls me stupid bitch , dumb bitch and so on. Today I called him a crying ass bitch which I never do but I’ve been so fed up to the point idc anymore😭

He doesn’t make me feel beautiful anymore and I really try to look the best for him. I know I dont look like an instagram model but I literally try. Like I really try , I went out to go buy heels and such which I never wear Because I love shoes. One day we were going over his moms house so I put on a nice dress and did my hair differently and put on makeup just for him and he goes “ will you hurry tf on, like you were rushing me and now you have to put all that shit on” DO YOU GUYS KNOW how much that actually hurts!!!!! Like I was trying to look good for him. I was heartbroken that I actually teared up of course I didn’t let him see that.

There’s a couple of times I got his mom or my mom to watch our son so we can have alone time, but he rather got out with his friends or have his friends come over. When we were alone and I was all over him, He I was being annoying and such so I just went in the room.

He barely compliments me anymore , we barely talk, he doesn’t even eat when I eat anymore. Like I’ve never felt so insecure and broken inside. I cry all the time because I’m just stuck in a situation I don’t wanna be in. If I leave I have no money to go anywhere at all. I just wanna grab my baby and just move without a word but of course that’s not reality. I’ve been so stressed about everything my financial situation, my sons needs and much more. I shouldn’t be because I have a man that makes way over enough. I just don’t know what to do I’m really depressed.

I had this lady offer me a escorting job WHICH I never thought of. I told her I’ll think about it she said I don’t have to do sexually things if I don’t want to, WHICH i don’t ever want to. But just go on dates for couple hours and the pay is up to $500 for each date. Now I don’t want to work as a stripper or an escort. I’m not a stripper type I’m shy and I will literally get blown off the stage. The escorting seems lil dangerous as I’m 4’9 125 pounds, but it’s a quick way to save up money for me and my son and leave