The emotions are starting to take over

Hey, so we have been ttc for a year now (I’m 26 partner 22). Last month I was put on metforman after being told I have PCOS. My partner just got his speed Results and everything is normal with him. So undoubtedly it’s me causing us not to get pregnant. And It’s all starting to become too much , a girl at works accidentally pregnant again with her second at 20, a family members pregnant and these are just adding to this overwhelming feel of sadness and longing I have. I’m trying not to cry too much or tell my partner too much but it’s becoming really hard and being an ECE teacher doesn’t help this. I really hope it’s our time soon but I can’t help but think

It will never happen for me and that breaks my heart

Sorry for the long post just needed to express how I’m feeling atm ❤️