What a mix up


I was scheduled to be induced on March 29 (was due March 25) so they inserted the foley bulb on the 28 to help dilate my cervix. It worked within the first hour and fell out! The next day I waited for the call to say I could come in and be induced because they hospital had a list to go through... they never called, so I called them to see what was going on, and I had kept getting bumped back due to emergencies. Which was fine because me and my baby were healthy. So they pushed my induction to the 30. I woke up the next morning from a phone call from my OB saying he wouldn’t be delivering my baby if I got induced over the next couple of days because it would be the on call OB due to it being Easter weekend. So we decided to take my name off the list and I was going to be induced on Monday (April 2) when he would be back! Well I woke up Monday morning at 3:30 am with contractions 6-7 minutes apart. I went into labour and delivery around 11 am and my OB said to admit me and let me labour throughout the day and if I didn’t have her by morning he would induce me.. I left the hospital and went and laboured at home. At around 7 pm I went back in because contractions were about 4 minutes apart! The on call OB checked and said I was 5 cm dilates and 95% thinned. So they admitted me. I got an epidural around 12 am, they broke my water at 12:30 am, I napped and sat around with my family while in labour... I wasn’t in pain at all. I woke up from a nap at around 3 am and said I felt like I needed to poop so my nurse checked me and I was 10 cm dilated! The OB said she was coming out face up and wanted her to turn she they had me on my hands and knees trying to let gravity turn her. The OB then proceeded to tell me that since I was a first time mom I would probably push for an hour or more at least and she was going to do a c-section and would come back after to deliver my baby so she just wanted me to labour through the contractions until then! While I was 10 cm dilated. My nurse made her come back into the room and deliver my baby first. (The on call OB was a full in and had never been to my hospital before) anyways. I pushed for 25 minutes and my beautiful girl was born at 3:30 am weighing 7 pounds 8.8 ounces 💞 my labour went great and was pretty painless 😀 we both are 100% healthy and I have never been happier in my life!