Bleeding during active pills? Normal?

I’ve been on combination birth control pills for about a year and haven’t had any problem. My period in March was very light and only a lasted a day which is very different from my normal periods.. I am sexually active but I use a condom every time I have sex with my boyfriend on top of being on the pill for extra protection. After my weird period in March, I was nervous I could be pregnant but I took a test the week after my weird period and it came back negative. I’m currently on my active pills and two weeks away from my next period but I’m bleeding as if I were on my period? It started yesterday afternoon and I still am bleeding. It’s not super heavy but it’s bright red blood (sorry TMI!) with some mild cramps and back pain. Is this a sign of pregnancy or implantation bleeding? Should I be concerned about this? This has never happened to me so I am a little freaked out...

**Right now I am on antibiotics, amoxicillin to be exact, so I’m not sure if that is affecting my pill**