Women who complain about their cycles..

I would give anything to have a period every month. You have no idea how much of a gift it is.

Since I was 17, I’ve never had a normal period. I’ve worried about having children since 17... and now fast forward to 25 years old and trying and trying and trying to have a baby... and those fears have come true.

Does anyone feel that doctors brush you off because you’re still young (in your 20’s) trying to conceive. It is like... oh since you’re not into your 30/40’s yet... it’s not big deal.

But it is

Here I am ... Cycle day 43... feel crampy, had sex basically every day this cycle... and

It’s always negative.


For once, I just want it to be positive. My periods are 52 days (and they’re miserable after day 30) in length on average and they believe I have anovulatory cycles... I’ve been referred from doctor to doctor and now finally I’m on a waitlist for a reproductive endocrinologist...

Maybe one day it will happen .. trying to look on the bright side 😭