obsessive.... it's running my life.

so it's only month three of ttc. I'm 10dpo, still have 4 days until I'm due on my period. I have been a crazy person and taken tests every day since 6dpo. I feel like I'm obsessed and it is controlling my life. I had 3 (yes 3!!) negatives again today (what did I expect). I have admitted to my husband how much I've been testing and how much it's running my life ( and ruining it!). I gave him all my tests and I say that quite literally as I have about 20 eBay cheapies and 4 other branded ones. I have told him to not give me any until I'm due on sunday. boobs are sore and I've got cramps but I'm guessing that it's now pms as I feel like af is imminent. I don't k ow why I'm obsessing so much as like I said it's only month 3 and some of you lovely ladies have been trying for years and it makes me feel ridiculous that I'm so bothered by thus already. don't really know why I posted all of this I just needed to get it out and hope that this will kind of help me a bit.