Might be prego

So I have the mirena as birth control and I know it’s supposed to make periods lighter and/or make them stop completely. Well obviously I track my period on here and my period is supposed to come in two days but it’s always early and I usually have pretty intense cramps and a few breakouts before it comes. I haven’t had any of those symptoms and I’ve been exhausted. I have two kids. Although I do want a third, I don’t want one right now. My fiancé couldn’t be happier but I’m just feeling a little selfish. I just got my body where I’m comfortable. My youngest is two I’m still enjoying her as my baby. I will not have an abortion but I really don’t want to be pregnant. I know there are women here who can’t get pregnant or have been trying for so long and would be so happy but I can’t even try to feel happy about the possibility of being pregnant. I took some tests but I feel like the mirena might mess with the results. I don’t know I guess I should just suck it up. I truly feel like a prisoner in my body. I have this irrational fear that I’m going to be one of those women who didn’t know she was pregnant and end up giving birth in the toilet or something. Please don’t judge me. I’m exhausted and have been way to emotional