hcg dropped what does it mean

Diana • 33 trying for my rainbow baby

so my hcg Monday was 129 today it was only 121. I'm waiting on other results to come in and I'm sure the Dr will call me. is there anyway possible that this could still turn out okay??? I'm nervous. this will be our third and final time trying. I will be 34 in June and this is to much for heart to take.

UPDATE: Dr finally called. she said to repeat blood work on Sunday to see if it's doubled if not will see where things are Monday since I with the nurse for intake and she will have the results and Dr will be in the office. Still no cramping or bleeding so that's a positive. fingers crossed 🤞🤞

UPDATE 2: I had Labs drawn again yesterday and hcg is now 100. I meet with the nurse later today, it was supposed to be for intake but looks like this pregnancy is not going to be viable either. this is the end of our journey, we are no longer trying to have a baby after this. emotionally I am done and can't take it no more. just continue to pray. I still have not started bleeding and just knowing it will happen but not knowing when just sucks. thank you guys for the support I will update after the Dr today.

UPDATE 3: so the specialist thinks due to to my ovary aging to quick my eggs are not viable and that's what causing the miscarriages. she wants to run some blood work next month to make sure there are no other problems. The miscarriages will continue to happen so we won't pursue getting pregnant anymore, just making sure there is nothing else wrong. after that I have decided long term birth control will be best so I will be getting an iud and the specialist agrees and my husband is on board as well. he said it's to much to keep going through. thank you all for the amazing words of support it's very much appreciated. we now have an answer and can begin to heal.