I don’t know how to make sense everything

So I had my period March 23rd-25th. I sorta fell off of taking my pill and my SO and I don’t really use condoms or the pull out method. Since about that weekend I’ve been getting dizzy and nauseous. 10 days later on March 30th I started spotting for about three days. I gained more symptoms of pregnancy, darker nipples, cramps, back aches, headaches, extreme fatigue, emotions all over the place. Monday the 2nd I took 4 tests. 1 one a dud and the other 3 were negative but I took them all at the same time. Then the 5th I had a blood test because I went to the doctor because I was dizzy but it came back negative the next day. The 24th,25th, 31st, 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th and yesterday ( the 10th) me and SO had unprotected sex and I just haven’t gotten back into taking the pill. Was it too early to get tested? I’m still feeling all the symptoms and I’m just crazy tired and emotional all the time. Am I pregnant maybe?