Scared 😟


Okay guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Within this cycle I lost my virginity, well now I'm late and feeling weird. keep in mind the ovulation and expected period dates are from glow, I only just started on this app, so I feel like it could be off by a bit. I haven't taken a test, because the only ones I have available are cheap test strips that are most accurate 2.5 weeks after ovulation... and I don't want to worry about taking tons of tests.. my plan is to test Sunday.. does that sound right? if I'm pregnant it should see it by then right?? we used protection every time but there were some mistakes.. like entering a few times before putting on the condom.. and there was one time we got interrupted and he pulled out mid orgasm, the condom stayed in me and he came all over me.. I tried to clean up with a rag but I know that's not 100%.. idk.. I'm freaking out last period 3/10-14 - first time 3/20 - consecutive 3/20-23 4/2-5 - ovulation 3/21-27 - spotting 3/29 - expected period 4/9-14