Broken nose

Kiera • 20 • JGP💙🧞‍♂️ • In a relationship • 👸🏼

Today my cousin and her boyfriend were play fighting in the living room and I wanted to stay away from that so I went into the other room where my other cousin was laying down on the California king bed. So I kinda threw myself on the bed and my nose hit her knee. Once I tilted my head up blood just started pouring out of my nostrils and mouth. I was so scared especially being pregnant. I got myself so worked up it didn’t even hurt I was just scared cause there was so much blood. I went to the ER and confirmed it was broken. They said Tylenol and ice. She gave me instructions to sleep propped up for less swelling and black eyes. Can’t get plastic surgery till I give birth....7 months😢😢😢😢😩😩😩😩