School anxiety


So I’ve been diagnosed about four years ago with generalized anxiety. I’m sixteen now and have also developed a severe depression within this school year. The mix of chronic depression and anxiety sucks and just kinda makes the regular stress of high school a million times worse. Specifically I have problems doing homework. I feel panicked and as if something bad is going to happen even if I think about it let alone attempt it. My therapist and shrink all know and there’s also a 504 in place but even still my grades suffer. That being said today had been really hard for me because it kinda all hit me the reality of having to really think about what collages to apply to and if I’ll get it to one that I like etc. especially with my current grade situation (which I feel like I’m not able to control). I’m kinda spiraling out of control with right now so I guess I’m asking for words of wisdom or reassurance from anyone who’s gone through something similar as a teen or anyone really because I honestly don’t know how or if I’ll be able to get through this. Sorry this is a long really but I feel I REALLY need some help right now. Anything helps. Thanks😊