Cheating ass πŸ₯€πŸ˜‚

Lexy πŸ₯€β€

Ladiesssss , it's that time of the year again when people get cheated on. I was with this guy for about a month as he told me he left his ex girl. I noticed so many signs of cheating because hell I'm insecure as hell. ((: So, I suspected it as cheating when me and him first started dating he had a "last date" with her. They had posted a pic on Snapchat and it was her kissing his cheek. It was so disgusting to me to think he was actually lying. I confronted him about it and he lies and says it's a "last date" his mom absolutely loves me but I won't say anything to her about how her son is a cheating bastard. πŸ˜‚ Honestly when I checked his Instagram I went through his followers and she had his name in her bio still so I messaged her first she hasn't answered so I went to a friend that went to school with them and I messaged him and he's like "yeah thy're dating still why.." I explained how I had seen his dick etc.. and how he was telling me he loves me etc.. it was cute how the reaction was out of that guy. I had laughed. He then ran from confrontation and I talked to his girlfriend on the phone. I guess you can't trust cheaters. Though she trusts him well. He is currently still with her, I'm single and I'm literally laughing at their stupidity. πŸ˜‚β€

this is me ^ still laughing and smiling at their stupidity... oh wait? did I mention he wants to be friends. He's doing bad in school, and I motivated him the most. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€™