
Ashy • I have two amazing boys, born 05-30-2015 and 04-07-2017 and we are going to have another baby in December 2018😍😋

I am babysitting this 15 month old.. he is very attached to anyone holding him.. I have a two year old and a twelve month old and they want my attention as well and the 15 month old screams anytime my children touch me... so it's annoying.. I know he can't help it so I told his mother me babysitting him won't work..

she is the annoying part.. she asks for money for gas..

For diapers..

She doesn't bring him any clothes except for what he is wearing..

The juice she gives him is SWEET TEA not watered down..

Or diet root beer.. I explained to her that's not really the best thing to give him.. and she just ignores me..

And she refuses to bring him something he will eat so I have to specialize his meals around my children with my money

She doesn't wash him properly.. his hair is always greasy unless I bathe him..

She is a young mother.. and she is the type that make young mothers look bad.

It bothers me because dealing with her stupidity is the reason I don't want to watch him mostly..

I know she isn't hurting him.. but most definitely from what I've seen besides the listed is neglecting him..

Sorry renting I gave her a speech.. my landlord even gave her a speech.. and her family has as well and she just assumes everyone is joking.. she literally doesn't understand... it took me two hours explaining I could no longer watch him for her to understand.. and she only wants to pay me 85 dollars instead of the 100 that we agreed on because I changed my mind even though she had borrowed money and diapers.. she won't pay it back... i

Be surprised if I even see the payment... 😑

I feel bad for the baby.. I'm frustrated and it's not his fault.. but his crying is stressing me 😭 he needs a better mother.. as in she needs to grow the hell up!

Rant over..