Solutions for Flint Michigan


Over the years Flint has gone from the number one place to live, highest income and one of the safest places to 3rd most dangerous place to live and one of the poorest cities in the US. They have gone through GM plant closing, crack cocaine epidemic and of course the water crisis. Over the past 10 years budget cuts have reduced the Flint police department from 300 to 98 officers serving a community of 100,000 citizens. Which is the lowest numbers of officers of any compatible American city. Some shifts only have 9 cars covering the entire city.

The Flint water crisis was a man made disaster that the government tried to cover up and hide evidence of. The system is beyond broken in so many ways and yet hardly anything has been done to help this community and fix it. Now of course this isn't the only place struggling that needs help.

My questions to you are, who is most at fault? What can and should be done to help this and other fallen communities? What solutions are there, not band aids, solutions?!

*** "Flint Town" on Netflix is what I've been watching and gathering this information and getting these questions from.