Hate my breasts


I left the hospital having to do sns with formula and a few weeks after we were doing sns with pumped breastmilk and since then im trying to just do breast bc sns is toooo hard if i dont get the tube in his mouth correctly.

My diet is completely changed. Everyday oatmeal, mothers milk tea, lactation cookies, soup, pumping for stimulation, constant feeding, etcetcetc. But some feeds it sounds like hes getting enough and he sleeps well and most feeds he sucks on half empty breasts and acts really frustrated and doesnt sleep well. Weve gone to lactation consultant four times already but the problem is me not his latch or his anything. And i hate to make my baby suffer and suck on empty just in hopes that i will have more milk.

I was told itd get better after one month but were already on week six now and its still super inconsistent and notttt better

Oh and hes not taking bottled breastmilk so if im having a bad feed i cant supplement pumped milk in a bottle.

His weight and height growth are both fine and good diapers but again the frustration he expresses when sucking on empty is undeniable.

Advice plz?