Number 3?!


So. My first daughter is 8 years old, and my second is 6 months old... and I just found out I'm expecting number 3! Anyone else out there have a first child with a large age gap, now two littles? I wanted all my kids to be two years apart. This ones coming a little sooner, but 16 months is close, a lot closer than 8 years! lol I'm a nervous wreck about it, but in trying to research and read all I can find is experiences of three, all under 4 or closer in age. I almost feel as if I'll be falling under the two children category in the way of sibling dynamics. My oldest is 8 going on 18. In any case, the 3 child dynamic experiences I have been reading do not seem to apply to me. I guess I'm just looking for advice, comfort and encouragement from those who've been there! I haven't told a soul except my fiance of course, I'm not excited to hear all the "you're crazy!" "how will you afford it?!" "haven't you heard of birth control?!" My fiance and I pretty much knew we wanted another, so were neither trying nor not trying. help!