So Embarrassed


Today I went out and about to run some errands. My husband wants cookies tonight, so rather than make more of a mess in my kitchen, I decided to pick some up at the mall while I was there. This idea came to me right as I was exiting my car, and the thought of that 🍪 smell sent vomit straight out of my mouth and onto the ground right by another car. I didn't see anyone around, but I just kind of stood there thinking about how someone was going to come out to their car and see my mess. What do you do in that situation? It's not like I had any way to clean it up (especially not without making the mess even worse), but I felt so bad just leaving it there. You can be sure that when I got out after shopping, I looked to see if the same car was still there. It was! I RAN to my car and got the hell out of there!