Husband is mad at me

Idk if I’m wrong here, but I don’t think I am.

I’m 6 months pregnant. I’m high risk and it’s a struggle for me to get out of bed because I’m in so much pain everyday. I also take care of our 2 year old. Well currently we are in a hotel room because he’s traveling for work.

They accidentally gave us a room with 2 beds. My husband told his “friend” that he could come stay with us. I say “friend” because he’s only known him for about a month and never hung out with him outside of work. They do text a lot though. I’m sure he’s a good guy, I really am.

But, he told him this without telling me at all. He just called me saying it’ll be another late night at work and that this guy is coming home with him. I told him no. We have a 2 year old, I’m pregnant, I can’t do anything alone and I’m not comfortable with someone I never met sleeping just feet away from me. Especially because my husband is such a heavy sleeper that god forbid this guy be crazy and try something, he wouldn’t wake up. (Literally. There was a fire at our old home and he wouldn’t get up🤦‍♀️)

He freaked out saying that I’m wrong because he needs somewhere to stay and doesn’t want to pay $70/night for his own hotel. He got into a car accident last night (minor) because they worked so late and his house is 2 hours away from the job and again, doesn’t want to pay for a hotel. I feel bad for him, I really do. I know what that’s like, my hubby recently got into an accident for the same reason. I get it.. but ive never met him. And to bring someone to sleep just feet away from my daughter and i.. idk. That’s weird to me, but he says it’s not weird at all.

Not to mention, I’m extremely shy and awkward around people. I have anxiety and being in such a small place with a stranger would probably give me an anxiety attack.

Am I wrong here? I offered to just take a bus home so he can stay but he yelled at me for that too.

Oh and I should add that he said it wasn’t fair because TWO YEARS AGO. I had a friend stay at our home that he had never met before. That’s because it was an entire house and he stayed downstairs with the baby the whole time. This is a tiny hotel room. Completely different