Baby momma

My husband has had full custody of his son for almost 3 yrs & even before that they shared 50/50 BUT she was absent. She willingly gave her custody & left the state. She’s come back & been off & on about 6 months before we met. When she found out about me she suddenly wanted their son & to give my husband visitation. Well court didn’t award her anything if anything gave her supervised visitation. She does the bare minimal of time with him. She never signed up for the program to communicate with my husband. So if she didn’t have a visit she didn’t even know if he was ok. But either way never knows anything about his life since she wasn’t on the program & keeping communication open.

Well after over a year of being ordered to register, she finally did.... mind you I’ve done & do EVERYTHING for his son. I love him as my own. I emptied my savings (over 6,000 in legal fees for court & don’t regret it) My husband has said that to him, I’m his sons mother. That he doesn’t care at this point for her to have a relationship with him since she continues to show no effort or to be his best interest in him & she’s been gone for so long with no regrets. The baby even once told me that before he lived with me that he didn’t have a mommy but now he does. Proving he doesn’t see his mom for what she is. He doesn’t call her mom either... anyways the other day my husband & I got into it & the baby came up & he said “my kid”. I responded “your kid?” & he said “YES!” So we were supposed to respond to a message the POS mom sent but hadn’t since we were thinking of how to reply since this is court supervised. But we haven’t been talking. So today I logged on to reread her message to think of what to respond. AND I see my husband responded to her yesterday. No biggie BUT when I open the message he’s telling her how happy he is that she’s finally on the program & that she missed so much of their sons life. WTF?!!!! He’s happy? And suddenly concerned she’s missed out on his life when she made the choice to walk away & leave him? Idk what to make of this. My gut is usually always right. Everything I’ve felt about him, I’ve been proven right. But right now I’ve been upset for the past few days since our argument so idk if I’m overthinking it. To me this means he wants to just let her back in & entitle her. Don’t get me wrong I’ve never wanted her gone but instead show true remorse & make right her wrongs. Redeem herself & start new with the baby. My mom left me when I was a kid & with him being so young there’s still a chance BUT for him to talk with her this way just hurt & pissed me off because if he does feel this way why did he lie to me?! I don’t bother asking at this point because he’s just been lying & I don’t believe him. Idk, I’m very hurt & need to vent. Idk what to think 😪