is this bad? I need advice. And I miss my ex 10x more now, sorry it's long btw

I was just hanging out with this guy, we'll call him Marco, and we were at a park and having a good time towards the end he started asking me about sex (I've only had once and it was with my most recent ex, we'll call him Taylor, which ended on February 1st) and the whole time I was thinking about Taylor which was making me angry and really upset so when he brought up sex I was thinking "I can do this fuck Taylor" so I was answering his questions which were basic like "how many times have you had sex? with who?" And I felt accomplished like "this will show Taylor, I'm over him" which I know is dumb but I couldn't help it but we stopped talking about sex because I was over it and brought up a different topic. I had to be home at 6 so we left around 5:40 while we were in the car he started asking me "what turns you on" and stuff. then he got his hands in my pants but I tried to pull it out but he kept going and eventually I just let it happen and when we got to my street he pulled up into a "dead end" and was trying to take off my pants and everything but I wasn't letting him and he whipped out his dick but I kept saying I had to get home because it was like 5:58 now and I was so scared, he turned me towards him while I was in the passenger seat and then leaned over me, I thought he going to have sex with me, thankfully he didn't. but i dont want to see or talk to him again and I can't help but to think about Taylor and I miss him so much because he would never do that to me and all my relationships with any guy, even my dad, is awful. I just texted Taylor and I want to cry. I just don't know how to feel or handle this situation.