

Ladies I need guidance. Today I was in the living room talking to my MIL and I can hear my 23 year old BIL talking on his video game as my 10 year old (from a previous relationship where the donor as I call him has never met his child) is walking to the bathroom say " yeah my dad has a timer on the Wifi because my annoying nephew stays up all night on school nights" mind you my boy is 10 and is in bed at 8:30!!! Now I know what some will say I'm over reacting and what not but this isn't the 1st brother to say something. He's no longer as close to my husband after that comment because my husband wasn't very happy about it. Now my husband is the only dad my son has even known cuz he was 4 when my husband started being a part of our lives and actually asked my husband if he would be his dad at 5 yrs old. So anyway my son heard his

"uncle" say that and asked me mom what did I do why doesn't he like me. What do I tell a lil boy who only ever really wanted a family. Now my initial response is I want blood and justice but the mom in me is sad and mad and hurting for my son!!! I cry as I write this please tell me how do I fix this?