day from hell

Cheyenne • Cheyenne trambley

where to start I guess the best place to start is the fact that the last few days I have been tired bloated and lightly cramping with a little bit of boob tenderness and not to get too personal but I was kind of constipated and went let loose it wasn't pretty and now it's kind of painful to go to the bathroom for a little while till my butt heals I woke up this morning so emotional it was ridiculous I ended up picking a fight with my husband over a cup of coffee ridiculous I ended up picking a fight with my husband over a cup of coffee of all things been feeling so bad about it and being so emotional that I was crying we left the hotel room I never sleep in the car I'm a very wide awake talkative person but I fell asleep in the car I was having some cramp issues then we went to have lunch and when I went to the bathroom I discovered that two days early I got my unwanted lady visitor which explains everything so I pretty much bald my eyes out all the way back to the car the last few months I have had 25 day cycles and with this today early I'm now to 23 day Cycles we use pre-seed but clearly it did not work so now I'm just waiting till the next go-round I'm still pretty exhausted but at least the emotions have settled down