planning my escape!

two and a half years ago I met a man after I got out of an abusive relationship, and I fell in love with this man. he asked me to be his and I said yes... a few months in, I found him searching through his ex girlfriends Instagram page, I caught him and confronted him and he stopped. a month or 2 later I got pregnant,and but miscarried 😔

months later he was doing it again on Instagram and I confronted him again, so he decided to delete Instagram because " it was causing too many issues"

a few months after that he was Snapchating other girls and I confronted him and he deleted Snapchat because " it was causing issues" like like Instagram 🙄

I got pregnant again, and miscarried in December... he was good for a while, we tried even harder for a baby, and it happened, I got pregnant in March of 2017!

from what I knew, he was being good, doing nothing wrong again! in July we found out it was a girl, everything we ever wanted!

months went by, we were happy, and in love... or so I thought. then came October the 13th. I looked through his phone and he has pictures of his ex gf, naked... I run outside in tears and my mom, sister in law, and bf follow me... I lose my shit... I decided to talk to him... found out he was watching porn behind my back too... and that he had made a new Instagram account, but I didn't know because he blocked me on it! I stayed because I was 8.5 months pregnant and who else would love me... he ended up proposing, and we got married shortly after our daughter was born in December.... now here I am, wondering what did I do to myself... my "husband" doesn't act like a husband or a father... so since I'm a stay at home mom I have no money, and when I want money I have to ask him for some then ask if I can spend it on what I want.... and my car is under his name, so I cant just leave... so I'm going to be getting a job so I have money for when the time comes... I already have a place to go, and I'll be temporarily giving my parents gardianship of my daughter so he can't take her from me... and my parents are on board with this all... here's to a few months of HARD work, but I need to do what's best for myself, and my daughter. we both deserve better!

edit: im not going to be keeping him from his child, but by giving my parents gardianship means there will be no coustdy Battle