Over two weeks late

Almost 20 days late and I’ve been feeling so weird 🤧 i got a faint positive a few weeks ago but when i tested again it was completely negative.. but I’ve been SO gassy like... it’s not even because i have to poop.. I’ll be in the middle of pooping/after i poop and I’ll still have wicked bad gas, and it doesn’t smell or anything! TMI i know lmao, but also i haven’t had an appetite for anything, I’ve been throwing up everything i eat and even when i don’t have anything in my stomach I’m throwing up stomach acid. And for not eating much the last few days (because I’ve been sick) I’ve been throwing up and pooping A LOT. and have had this weird thing where if my mouth isn’t desert dry i have SO much saliva with a weird taste in my mouth... has anyone ever experienced this?!?