Need to rant?


So I have always been anxious at doctors appointments because I hate doctors and anything to do with needles/hospitals, etc.. silly fear but I have it. My blood pressure was in the 160's today because I was having my first pelvic exam and I had been worrying about it all morning up until the appointment! My doctor is now convinced I have preeclampsia. I'm not ruling out the possibility but I know my body and I know my blood pressure was so high because of the anxiety.. I'm supposed to come back in the morning to have it checked again and if it's elevated I will be induced 😓 I already know it's going to be high because I'm so nervous!! I'm 38 weeks and 5 days tomorrow.. I guess I just wanted to vent because I can't sleep 😂

Hopefully I have a quick labor... FTM and anxiety from hospitals is a terrible mix!