I don’t know where to post this...


Hi, honestly i am so hurt right now and feeling sad 😞 so this all started Monday night. If there is one thing my husband and I always argue about is about him being constantly on his phone (there is no passwords and we share each others phones sometimes so no sneeky stuff going on. I feel ignored and like he doesn’t enjoy my company so he uses his phone to have a good time. On Tuesday at work I noticed im ignored a lot I have a friend who works with me and she’s always being approached by ppl. They look for her and as for me. No one looks for me I feel like nobody likes me like I’m weird. I’ve never felt so alone at work. I get certain vibes and I feel like i am not liked. Anyways I asked my husband a today if i am rude or in anyway unlikable his answer was no but I am annoying cause I talk to much and don’t know when to 🤐. I told him why hasn’t he told me

Anything before or to shut me up and he said he didn’t want to embarrass me in front of anyone. So I told him I was asking about how I am to other ppl and his answer was it was in general that I annoy and irritate ppl 😔

I guess I get it though I have ADHD and sometimes i have the need to have ppl acknowledge me. I constantly feel left out. My appearance is not the best so that plays a big role too. I feel lost and stupid. I am so embarrassed by this that I don’t want to talk anyone anymore. In reality im a loner and I don’t know how to make friends I guess I know why now.

Just needed to vent.

Thanks for reading.