Would you?

So I’m not even pregnant which on one hand makes this silly....but I was pregnant. I lost it in March. I know so many pregnant women and it’s tough to deal with that. But for 3 years I’ve had this whole very particular announcement in mind. It is a very specialized, particular type. That appealed to certain groups of people with a similar hobby/passion as me.

I’ve even bought things to prepare for this very specialized pregnancy announcement.

Then today, I see someone I know did the same thing. Except they are actually pregnant, and they will have their baby in August. Like 3 others I know.

And my heart completely sunk. I now have no desire to use this announcement assuming I will be pregnant again someday. Because the whole idea was to be special and it’s not special anymore now that someone else I know has used it. Between that and trying to deal with losing my baby, I’m sad and kind of just generally angry at life.

I guess I just wanted to see if anybody else would feel this way or if they think I’m being kind of silly? Please be kind. My heart just can’t take more pain right now.