So confused!


Hi guys,

First time posting, but i am so confused.. basically i was due on period 9.4.18, my period was 4 days late ( i am usually regular like clockwork).

Had a few spotting for a couple of days, pinkish/brownish blood. Yesterday around midday, i noticed a lot of blood but still not the the normal

type, this was again dark brown/dark red.

Used a tampon and it appeared to fill the tampon halfway, but like i said it was not my usual flow and was quite mucus looking also.

I put another tampon in and when i took it out, it was filled like 1/4 but again not the usual flow just reddish/brownish. (Sorry if its TMI, need to be accurate).

Bearing in mind, i had been having cramps and all the usual PMS symptoms like 10days before my period date and continuously after.

So me and my boyfriend decided to take the pregnancy test and all three came out negative.

Last night, i appear to have now started my period, quite a heavy/normal flow.

I am just so confused as this has never happened to me before, my periods have never started like this and like i said, i am very regular.

The GP seems to think this is normal and my period seems to have reset itself somehow?

I had sex during my ovulation period and my period was technically 4 days late. So i am so confused as to what my body is doing lol!

I just want to know it anyone else has experienced anything similar?

Could it just be my period took longer than normal to come or could it be, i could possibly be pregnant?

Sorry for the essay🙈

