Will I be able to love my second as much as my first?

I’m 24 weeks pregnant to a baby girl and mommy to an amazing 20 month old boy. This pregnancy was planned because my husband and I knew we wanted another and for them to be close in age. I always pictured our second being another boy. I’m so in love with my boy and he’s all that’s on my mind. I often forget I’m pregnant, unlike my first pregnancy when he was all I’d think and dream about. I’m starting to warm to the idea of my baby girl especially when I think of her name and feel her kicks. But I’ve had some bad mood swings lately and haven’t been sleeping well due to a cold and it just makes me fear how I’m going to handle a newborn and still give all the love and attention my toddler will need. I also fear being a mommy to a girl because I didn’t have great female role models growing up and I fear I won’t be able to set an example for her to be a strong, confident woman. I also just cannot imagine loving another baby as much as I love my boy. Moms of 2 or more, tell me your experiences with the love for your second born!