Possibly pregnant?


Okay. I was reading loads online and some women literally said they feel pregnant as early as 24 hours after conception. Is this possible? Has anyone else had this?

(11th April) i started feeling really sick. The bottom of my back has a dull ache. I’m getting little pains in my uterus (not constantly. Just randomly). I’m exhausted. My head is banging. I was crying watching a cooking show. I’m bloated. Gassy. One of my nipples hurts. I’ve had some white liquid when I squeeze them (I squeezed softly to gauge the kind of pain I was having in one of them.) I sometimes feel a little faint/ dizzy. I’m really restless and irritable.

Could it be possible I am and my body is already telling me? It would be my first child if I was. I also ovulated on Tuesday (10th) and we had sex the 2 days before and also 4 and 5 days before. The day of. The day after and the day after that.

My other app ovia said today I could possibly start feeling symptoms.

Yesterday I got a little mild almost cold. A little sniffy nose and sneezing. But it’s gone now. And today I’m extremely tired. I can barely do anything. I’m not tired as I’m sleepy, I’m tired as in drained so I literally have no energy. And I feel more sick today than the other days and I’m pretty bloated and although I feel hungry I feel very full. I’m still having the other symptoms i mentioned also.

Help! I’m so confused!!