So irritated. So upset.

I’m now 40 weeks today. I’ve been to my doctor twice now the past week with super intense contractions that were 3-5 minutes apart. Yesterday she checked my cervix again and said that I was not dilated anymore, but she believed that I was in latent labor and would be in active labor within the next couple of days.

All day and night I’ve had mild contractions around 3 minutes apart!! But at this point I don’t even know when to call to come in because every time I think I’m in active labor I’m not dilating, just having contractions.

I woke up today after not being able to sleep all night and saw on Facebook another girl who wasn’t due until the end of April went into labor last night!! I’m just done. And it’s Friday the 13th!! I don’t really want my baby to be born on Friday the 13th. But i just want him out!! I’m just being dramatic i guess