In need of advice for a sticky situation 👀

My ex boyfriend and I were together for a year, and we have broken up 2 times technically. The first time was right before our year anniversary, we got back together 2 weeks later and we broke up officially yesterday.

Last year my ex and I went to a jewelry store, to look at engagement rings. We picked one and he took a 4 month payment plan. I signed my name, and all that paper work. I honestly thought we were going to get married one day. By the middle of February, he had finished the payments early apparently and got the ring officially so he could propose on our 1 year...I ended up breaking up with him about 1-2 weeks before the anniversary. It wasn’t a safe environment when I was around him, there’s a long story.

He was enraged and demanded that I pay him back the money that he had spent on the ring, at that same moment I found out he had returned the ring within a few days of the break up. We got back together (Bad mistake on my part) 2 weeks after we had initially broken up. Now that we have definitely broken up yesterday, with me initiating the break up, he has come around today to tell me I still need to pay him back the whole amount...

Since he finished the payments, but returned the ring and didn’t propose, by law do I need to repay him the whole amount of the ring?