Eptopic in my ovary


4 yrs ago I found out I was pregnant, I couldn’t be happier. 2 months in I was rushed to the hospital in extreme pain. Turns out it was eptopic in my right ovary. They tried to save as much as they could but I ended losing my ovary. Turns out I had extreme scarring on both my ovaries causing me not to be able to ovulate normally. The scarring is making it difficult for my eggs to come out. The pregnancy in my ovary even had a heartbeat, the surgeon said he’d never seen anything like it. So now I only have one ovary and that one is scarred as well. So I have now been TTC for 4 years and every month my heart breaks a little more. Has anyone else gone through this and successfully conceived or had treatments that helped. I’m getting desperate and I don’t want to give up but I don’t know how much more fight I have left in me... please help wish me luck