Just need to vent


Currently SAHM and have a 4 year old and a 3 week old. My son (the baby) was just diagnosed with reflux and he’s been on medication the past couple days. My bf works all week and today went to his parents house to paint. My mom had my daughter, luckily, so it was just me and the baby. BUT he had a horrible day today. I mean screaming and nothing I did helped. I was just holding him rocking him crying while he’s screaming because all day he was in pain. And awake. I’m exhausted and starting to get sick, on top of being on antibiotics for a kidney infection. I was asking him when he would be home because I needed a break, I deal with this all week all day and I’m miserable. I’m dealing with PPD and I’m having such a hard day. He got aggravated because I kept asking him when he will be home when he just kept saying he didn’t know. My mom came to drop off my daughter and said she would help with the baby so I can rest and I’m so thankful! Of course he’s been sleeping the whole time. So my bf gets home like what’s wrong so I tell him I’ve had a rough day and he told me that if I can’t handle being home all day then I need to get a job to pay for daycare. Like really? I’m fucking struggling right now feeling like I’m doing everything alone because I basically am and that’s what you have to say to me? Get a job? I’m so pissed off and hurt right now it’s unbelievable. Ugh..I just needed to get that off my chest.