More beautiful than ive felt in a long time.


So I was hanging out with one of my husbands’ friends’ girlfriend today she had made a nail appointment to get our nails done for my baby shower on the 28th and afterwards we decided to go clothes shopping because shes a guidance counselor and doesnt have many “just hanging out” clothes.

And while there, we decided to look for dresses for another friends engagement party thats scheduled for next month.

Now, ive never been the most confident . I once weighed 280 lbs while just a freshman in high school because of all the anti-depressants and anti-psychotics I was being given. For a year after I graduated and started college I would starve myself to lose weight for weeks at a time then binge and purge trying to lose the weight. Doing this I was able to get my weight down to 220 and was starting to feel somewhat comfortable.

Now its 2 years later and I occasionally still starve myself but right now im 7 months and know that I cant do that to me or my son. Each Drs appointment is a struggle seeing my weight go up. Last appointment I weighed 252 and it hurt but while trying on dresses today I felt confident and beautiful for the first time.

Out of the 6 dresses that I chose, this was the first one I tried and it was love at first sight. 😍 So I snap chatted the huns and he went crazy with the compliments, even saving the pictures I sent. I almost cried I was so overjoyed. Ive never felt more beautiful since I got pregnant, no matter how big I get my husband has only laid on the compliments thicker. And knowing that our son is healthy with me, lets me know that no matter my size I cant continue to hurt myself and that if I want to be happy then I need to work on it myself i a healthy way.l