Curiosity!!! -PCOS sucks


Hello Ladies

So i am 23 years old almost 24. I got married in August of last year. My husband and I said after our honeymoon we will start trying. So I stopped taking my birth control September of 2017. I have always been regular with my periods before and during BC. I was getting my periods every month up until January of this year. 70 days after my last period I decided to talk to my OBGYN. He put me on provera. Had zero side effects got my period after day 10. Waited a month and nothing no AF. Again went back to the doctors did some labs everything came back normal besides my testosterone lab. My levels were at 75. I’m a small person. Not over weight. I eat healthy and stay active. I don’t have acne on my face and no facial hair. Just I don’t get periods. When my doctor told me I have PCOS it felt like my life came to end. I haven’t started taking anything. So I’m just curious what has worked for some of you ladies. All I have ever wanted to be was a mom. Any tips or tricks would be helpful.

Thank you!!